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Moderator :

Dr. Samir Elbaha
Prof. Of Ophthalmology,
MD, PhD. Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Alexandria University
MD, PhD. Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Alexandria University
Panelists :

Dr. Hassan Mortda
Professor of Ophthalmology,
Consultant, Vitreoretinal Surgery,Faculty of Medicine ,
Cairo University
Consultant, Vitreoretinal Surgery,Faculty of Medicine ,
Cairo University

Dr. Magdy Bedda
Professor of Ophthalmology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Alexandria University.
Faculty of Medicine,
Alexandria University.
Speakers :

Dr. Tamer Moussa
Lecturer of Ophthalmology,
Faculty of Medicine ,
Alexandria University
Faculty of Medicine ,
Alexandria University
– CNV in pathological Myopia

Dr. Osama Al Nagar
Lecturer of Ophthalmology
Faculty of Medicine,
Alexandria University
Faculty of Medicine,
Alexandria University
– ATN classification of Pathological Myopia

Dr. Islam Shereen
MD, FRCS (Glasg),
Associate professor of Ophthalmology,
Alexandria University, Egypt.
(Journal Article)
Associate professor of Ophthalmology,
Alexandria University, Egypt.
(Journal Article)
{ EGVRS In Numbers }
{ EGVRS In Numbers }
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Training School
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Egyptian Vitreoretinal Society (EGVRS)
Vitreoretinal surgery has been an extremely innovative subspecialty in the field of ophthalmology with so many new developments in the surgical field as well as pharmaceuticals.
Retina Journal
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