Session 11

Session 11: Controversies in Diabetic Vitreous Surgery

Mostafa Nabih
Mahmoud Soliman
Remzi Avci
17:00-17:05 Ahmed Mansour. . Egypt Bleeding under So … Intervene or wait is a matter of debate
17:05-17:10 Wael Soliman. . Egypt Diabetic vitrectomy with or without ILM peeling in patients
with TRD
17:10-17:15 Ashraf Shaarawy. . Egypt ILM peel the taboo in diabetic TRD
17:15-17:20 Amr Azab. . Egypt PFC in diabetic tractional detachment
17:20-17:25 Ihab Abdel Aziz. . Egypt PFC role in diabetic vitrectomy
17:25-17:30 Ahmed Habib. . Egypt Out-in approach to TRD membranes as opposed to in-out
17:30-17:35 Sherif Sheta. . Egypt The management of diabetic vitreo-macular traction
17:35-17:40 Samir El Baha. . Egypt Neovascular glaucoma in PDR
17:40-17:45 Ahmed Magdy Bedda. . Egypt To tamponad or not in diabetic TRD
17:45-18:00 Discussion Discussion